Friday, March 21, 2014


Welp, apparently "appetizer .gifs"  aren't a thing, but I couldn't help myself with the wordplay, so here's a random, bizarre, .gif from a restaurant:

I used to believe I didn't need a smartphone; I also hesitated to purchase one, knowing that we would soon become One. However, no regrets; my iPhone is a magical, magical machine. For apps, though I mostly use them for social media purposes, I also have several apps related to movies, music, books, food, fashion, etc.

As for books, I have three apps that I use: Overdrive, BiblioNB and GoodReads.

I've used the Overdrive app on both my iPad and iPhone. To be honest, I don't read very much on devices. I understand the appeal, but reading a physical book is part of the experience for myself, when I do find the time to read.

That said, I've downloaded myriads of cookbooks onto my devices; it can be easier to stand up an iPad or iPhone to follow a recipe rather than a book, plus the text is clear and there are usually some beautiful, vivid, delicious photographs.

My latest download is Edible DIY ; I'm not an especially crafty person, but I do enjoy creating edible goods for friends and family! I'm really enjoying it so far; from preserves to booze, crunchy to spicy, this title covers the great food gamut.

I also downloaded the memoir Yes, Chef but soon realized that it was available in paper format through our system and promptly returned it; easy as pie, of course.

Though I hardly use the BiblioNB app since I'm able to browse the catalogue/Workflows at work, I did use this app while on leave, placing a hold on a title I had wanted to read (another food memoir).

I'm not sure how often I'll be using it, but the ISBN scan option is pretty neat. Hint: if you're at Chapters and want to find out if we have a certain title in our library system, why not scan the barcode :)

Lastly, I want to talk about Goodreads; the app is just as easy to follow/use as the website, and I'll be honest, I think it's fascinating to see what my friends, colleagues and acquaintances are reading. I stumble across some good recommendations that way!

...And I just realized that this post was mostly about food. Yup. Hungry?

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